drummer Gregg Gerson

Current News
Drummer Gregg Gerson

Hey All,

Hope you all had a great holiday and New Year!!!
So once again I was scheduled to be at NAMM 2009, (www.namm.org/thenammshow) which was last week from January 15th thru the 18th 2009 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, CA…

Right after the New Year, I was contacted by jazz guitarist Matthew Von Doran (www.matthewvondoran.com) to play this year at NAMM on Saturday the 17th, which was just ridiculously good fun!!! Matthew's writing as well as playing is brilliant without question and I was honored to play with him this year at NAMM…

After we finished, I headed over to the Avedis Zildjian Company Booth located at Hall D, Booth 2940 signing autographs. It was great seeing all my fellow drummers and friends at the signing table as well as seeing all of you!!! Thank you for all your love and support you've all given me through the years!!!

Meanwhile, I'm scheduled for more shows with violinist great Alexander Markov, bassist Ivan Bodley and vocalist Neal Coomer for 2009 and am looking forward to those shows playing the “Rock Concerto.”

This New Year brings much hope and optimism for us all here in The States and through out the world…

As always, I'll keep you all posted and do my best to get back to all your e-mail's as quickly as possible.

Have a great winter. I'm looking forward to seeing and meeting you all at future shows!!!

01/09 - 05/09

Check out the itinerary for specific dates and info.

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